Offering – “Light of the World” – Abby Hodges & Phil Nelson
Message – Patrick Daugherty
Hymn 137 – “What Child is This”
Call To Worship
“House of the Lord”, “Heartfelt Hallelujah”
Greeting Time
Investment Opportunities
Offering – “Light of the World” – Abby Hodges & Phil Nelson
Message – Patrick Daugherty
“Firm Foundation”
SRPC Investment Opportunities
sunday – kidspack – set up at 8:30 am and packing at 9:40 am
dec 4 – yoth and Kids kingdom – no wednesday night meal
Dec. 5 – Mancave – book of daniel at 8:30 am
Dec. 6 – Angel Tree gifts are due
Dec.7 - Women’s Christmas Luncheon – 2:00-5:00 pm
Dec. 8 – deacons Meeting - 2025 budget –1:00 pm
Dec. 8 - SRPC Reading Clinic Reading “A Night Like No Other”
Dec. 10 – compassion team – 10:00 am
Dec. 13 – Senior Shepherds Christmas Catered Luncheon and carol
Dec.14 - Men’s Christmas Event Bonfire at Eric Jones’ Home
Dec. 22 – Kids Kingdom Performs “The First Christmas”
Dec. 22 – Happy Birthday, Jesus! Refreshments between services
dec. 24 – christmas eve candlelight service – 7:00 pm
Our Youth – our youth group is growing (45 attending). More volunteers needed.
Mancave – resumes dec. 5. Book of Daniel at 8:30am
Ushers Needed – If you would like to help usher and/or the offering see Ann Childs or Bill Hall. we’ll get you on the schedule.
Food Pantry– Served 140 Households, 612 People this week.
Weekly Adult Sunday School Classes – 9:45-10:45 am
Bible Study #1 “Great Stories of the Bible” – Ed Bldg. – Rm 11
Bible Study #2 “Defining Moments” – Choir Room
What To Expect At SRPC
You are welcomed into a safe, casual environment by people excited to see you.
On Sunday mornings, you can expect:
Thought-provoking and engaging Bible based messages from Pastor Jeff
A traditional service and order of worship with hymns is at 8:30am
A high-energy contemporary worship service & praise music is at 11:00am
Bible teaching for adults & youth begins at 9:45am, children at 11:00am
On Wednesday evenings, you can expect:
Great meals, fellowship, Bible studies, small group options & kids programs!
Do you have childcare? - Yes, we have nursery, preschool, and Children’s Church for children during our 11:00am service. You’re always welcome to keep children with you in the service, or we have a family room adjacent to the sanctuary where the service is live streamed.
Do you offer small groups and/or bible studies? - Yes, we offer many small groups, some meet weekly, some monthly (see Diane 863-398-4493). We also have Sunday morning adult and youth Bible studies @9:45am.
What are the basic beliefs of SRPC? We belong to the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church denomination. Our doctrinal and governing documents include the original Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. We follow the Presbyterian form of government (info in vestibule).
Find your personal next steps including:
A place to belong. Here at SRPC we are a family that genuinely cares for and loves one another and prays for each other.
A chance to invest and make a difference. God created you with gifts and skills you can use to change lives in our community and the world.
Ways to grow. We will equip you with tools to develop as an authentic Christ follower, growing in the spirit as an individual, and as a family.
Your entire family will enjoy:
Kids Kingdom - SRPC Kids (nursery - 5th grade) learn about who God is (and who they are) through age-specific lessons on Sunday at Kids Church and on Wednesday evening bible studies.
Youth & Adults - Meet on Wednesdays. They eat, fellowship & have bible studies addressing issues that we face daily, digging deep into the Word.
Adults - The second Friday of the month our Praying Shepherds meet from 11:30am – 1:00pm for prayer, food, fellowship & entertainment.
Everyone - Follow the Walking Preacher. Where will he be next?